mercredi 13 février 2008

Everyday good

J'avais oublié que les vacances c'est les vacances! (Pardon à tous ceux qui travaillent en ce moment et à qui cette tautologie semblera accablante de platitude voire insultante.)
Mais pour leur faire partager mon optimisme béat, et oublier la grisaille, voici une chanson vitaminée:

Half-term is a blessing: I had forgotten how enjoyable everything is with time on my hands (and you in my arms): dancing Monday evening, gardening and a cycling for an hour among the vineyards in the afternoon, a good film and a meal out yesterday, breakfast in bedand the prospect of a healthy, robust political discussion tonight at the platform meeting. This is the life.

I think I am even ready for a little housework this morning (with the iPod and Patrice, of course).

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