dimanche 30 mars 2008

Il n'y a plus de saisons.

On Easter Monday, just a few days back, we had snow on the ground, and this Sunday, it looks as if we'll be able to have our apéritif out on the terrace at lunchtime. I wonder what subtle havoc this totally unpredictable weather is wreaking on our moods, if the joyful, pulsating anticipation of early spring keeps getting frozen into gloom by these strange swings in the temperature.

En tout cas, les salles de classe retentissent de sonneries de trompe à répétition, des élèves qui se mouchent bruyamment, en prenant, je le soupçonne, un malin plaisir à se donner la réplique nasale. Encore une semaine de ce régime, avant notre pause dite "de printemps", sauf si la météo décide à nouveau de passer son ipod sur mode "shuffle", pour nous chanter "vive le vent d'hiver' ou même "les feuilles mortes".

2 commentaires:

meredic a dit…

I am twice surprised to see your cold weather this year as I seem to have had hardly any on the mountain this year. Maybe it is because I am near the sea.

meredic a dit…

and as for 'joyful pulsing anticipoation'........gosh!