lundi 21 mai 2012

Il fait toujours beau quelque part

And while it was pouring down here in Provence, luckily in Brighton the sun was shining over my son Marc performing with Shaun Parker and C-12 Dance theatre:

Staying alive (bis)

Il me faut (hélas?) rectifier ce post:  Robin Gibb, dont les trémolos ont accompagné ma préadolescence, a lui aussi passé l'arme à gauche.

Il pleut dans ma maison

Pluie et vent sur le plateau ce week-end: il a fallu chercher les bassines.
Mais on a vu pire:

mercredi 16 mai 2012

Home from home

Me voici de retour, oserais-je dire "à la maison"?

When I go "home" to Guadeloupe, and then come "home" to France, there's always a moment of confusion, sometimes on the flight, or waking up in the morning, when I actually have to stop and ask myself whether I'm coming or going. This was especially unsettling when I was working and I couldn't remember whether the holidays were starting or over.

Alors, avec un peu de nostalgie, je pense ce matin à mon autre "maison".