When I took this photo last week, I meant it to illustrate the glowing feeling I'd got from sifting a load of fresh, rich compost from the bottom of the heap: you know, being part of this whole life process, new life springing from old waste and all that...
Mais cette semaine, c'est plutôt le côté "décomposition" qui s'impose à mon esprit, après les résultats du deuxième tour des municipales. Comme disait notre bon vieux Hamlet, il y a quelque chose de pourri au royaume du Danemark...
And speaking of Denmark, I have embarked on the "Teachers who Knit summer swap" on Ravelry for the second year, and my partner is from a scandinavian country. I have ordered yummy yarn for her today, and I hope to find lots of fun little things to add in the parcel. Being a secret swap I don't know who my other partner is, but if he/she comes lurking around here: